Day 1 – Flying into Lukla and the Himalayas

The morning started at 3:30 am with packing and meeting at 4:30 am to head to the airport. Everyone was excited and nervous as we were ready to get the trek started, but there is only one way there. Through Lukla. The most dangerous airport in the world. The Kathmandu airport was crazy busy with all he Trekkers heading up. North face duffel bags everywhere. We were not sure if we would get out as only 1 plane made it to lukla the day before due to high winds. Great. Just what I wanted to hear.

We boarded just after sun up and off we headed. Was nice to get out of the smog of Kathmandu and into the thinner air of the mountains. As you fly into Lukla you pass right over mountain ridge so close it looks like you can touch them. You get the updraft of the wind off the mountain so our 12 seater plane got bumped around a bit. It was awesome to see the snow capped Himalayas just out the windows. Then the turned to the right for our approach into lukla. I was video tapping and my hand was shaking. You can try to be cool, but landing was on everyone’s mind. To be honest, it was a great landing besides the fact they put the plane down quick and stop in a dime. The runway is very short so the have to stop quickly before you hit the mountain. Everyone on the plane cheered. We had arrived.

We spent a couple hours in Lukla having breakfast getting our gear and getting ready. Enough all ready, let’s get going. Then we were off. We only hiked about 4 hours on the first day. The weather was sunny and warm as we winded our way along the river. The country side is very beautiful with little houses dotting the countryside. Really pretty and colorful. The people seem very happy and are friendly.

After our hike we arrived at our first tea house where we would stay the night – in Phakding. I was surprised how clean the place was and how good the food has been. I know that will change but it was a great start. Our guides actually go in the kitchen to oversee the preparation of the food and it is easy to get dysentery if the food is not prepared well. I am very grateful for that. I know it will come, but I hope to delay it as long as possible. Was a great first day!








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